Gesendet am Do 09. Dez 2021 / 17 Uhr
Servus D*sign Week

A conversation with: Ruben Pater

Ruben Pater (1977, NL) works between journalism and graphic design.

Under the name Untold Stories, Pater creates visual narratives that support solidarity, justice, and equality. Pater finds himself being a designer at a time when design is last thing the world needs. Until more ethical approaches present themselves, he designs, writes, and teaches. He is a tutor at the BA Graphic Design, and the MA Non Linear Narrative at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. The Politics of Design (BIS, 2016), is his first book about cultural bias in graphic design. His second book CAPS LOCK (Valiz, 2021) retraces the role of graphic design in capitalism. Pater is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Zuletzt geändert am 06.12.21, 16:12 Uhr

Gesendet am Do 09. Dez 2021 / 17 Uhr

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