
A glance on Radio FRO Mediadays

On 6. and 7. September 2008 activists of alternative mediaprojects and cultural iniatives gathered in Linz in the frame of the Radio FRO Mediadays. According with the title of the conference "Open networks shaping society? Future in progress!" the participants met in order to discuss medial and mediated participation, free networks and especially how networks can be maintained as free and open networks without loosing directions. Besides that a lot of formal as well as informal exchange on experiences and practices took place within the cosy friendly environment ment to stipulate this exchange..

The following foto-documetary will provide a first glance on what happend those days.
All fotos: Petra Moser

Zuletzt geändert am 15.09.08, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Michael Schweiger

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