fem* voice kollektiv
(c)Violetta Wakolbinger
52 Radiominuten

Collective Resonance: fem* voice kollektiv

Tune in for a conversation with artists Adriana Torres and Fatima El Kosht about the fem* voice kollektiv, rituals, and the power of togetherness // Upcoming events on International Women’s Day in Linz


In the latest edition of 52 Radiominuten, we bring you a conversation with artists Adriana Torres and Fatima El Kosht. Together with Martyna Lorenc, they initiated fem* voice kollektiv (f*vk) — a space for togetherness, where bodies, voices, and imagination are explored and nurtured.

In the interview, they share the story behind f*vk, the importance of collectives, and the role of rituals in their practice. We also discuss what participants can experience in their fem* voice circles, which take place on the first Friday of each month—at least until June this year.


serviert & dekoriert

Musik: Miriam Makeba , LETRA COMPLETA del HIMNO FEMINISTA Un violador en tu camino, Miss Bolivia & Perotá Chingó, Sonita Alizadeh and Mazowsze

Zuletzt geändert am 25.03.25, 13:21 Uhr

Gesendet am Mo 24. Feb 2025 / 19 Uhr