Danube Streamwaves

danube streamwaves # 2

The Novi Sad Edition

The secound edition of the program is produced by ORadio Novi Sad, Serbia, edited and presented by Dusan Majkic (Picture), he is one of the most popular radio and tv hosts, and he told us that he was very glad when we invited him to be the host of the “danube streamwaves”-show at O radio.

This program series has been created within the international cooperation „danube streamwaves“, making four radio stations operating in four cities along the river Danube produce shows to be aired in each partner radio station.

The project is supported by Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung.

Zuletzt geändert am 28.02.16, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von fisch

keineswegs schön
keineswegs toll
auch nicht aus Tiroll.

zur Autorenseite
Gesendet am Fr 27. Mai 2016 / 20 Uhr

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