Faciliation: Dr. Daniela Kraus
Daniela Kraus, born 1972, historian, is co-founder and managing director of Medienhaus Wien. Panel 1 and 2
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After several scholarships and working for different media companies she was a coworker at „Kaltenbrunner Media Consulting” having her emphasis on media and market evaluation, media training and media education. At “Medienhaus Wien” she has been managing several research projects on journalism and on journalism training. She has coordinated the development of FHW-Programme Journalism (University for Applied Sciences Vienna) and has been lecturing in Journalism at the University for Applied Sciences in Vienna, the University of Klagenfurt and the University of Vienna. She is member in several professional associations and board-member of “M-Media” (association for mainstream media and migration in Austria). Her research interests focus on Austria's media system and media policy; journalism research, media ethics, migration and media, media accountability and media convergence. Several publications, most recently “Der Journalisten Report III” (ed. together with Andy Kaltenbrunner and Matthias Karmasin). Links:
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