Gabriele Kotsis

Gabriele Kotsis is IT Expert and operated 2003–2007 as Head of the Austrian Computer Society and will become with fall 2007 vice-rector of reserch at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz. She works in the field of telecooperation and is therefore well informed about new approaches in the field of computing and especially information and telecommunincation technologies.



The current developments in the field of Information and Communication Technologies provide the chance to use media in a versatile, interactive and most notably participative way. The spectrum of these offers ranges from creating one's own homepage in the WWW or the exchange of opinions and ideas via digital media (newsgroups, blogs) to participating in the form of traditional broadcasting media like TV or radio. Therefore it is of vital importance to enable people to deal with media in a competent and self-dependent way, and this needs a rethinking in many fields, like educational programs, public administration, etc.



Zuletzt geändert am 07.09.07, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Michael Schweiger

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