body-breath-mind YOGA
Karin Schmid (©)
Gesendet am Mi 17. Mai 2023 / 11 Uhr
KARIN SCHMID body-breath-mind

Happy Vagus Nerve, Happy You

You want to feel energized and revitalized - make sure your Vagus Nerve is happy.

The Vagus Nerve connects the brain, the heart, the lungs and the gut. It is part of the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which let´s us rest and digest. It regulates digestion, blocks stress, supports the immunity, optimizes your cardio health and by causing the nervous system to release specific neurotransmitters like Serotonin and Dopamine it can even cause happiness. It will help build up your resilience and enjoy your life with greater calm and clarity.

Zuletzt geändert am 29.04.23, 22:31 Uhr

Verfasst von Karin Schmid

Karin ist Psychologin, Schauspielerin und Yoga Coach. Sie hilft Menschen einen positiven Kontakt zum eigenen Körper zu finden und mehr Klarheit und Ausgleich im Leben.

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Gesendet am Mi 17. Mai 2023 / 11 Uhr