Hypnogram Schlafarchitektur
STWST 48x4 Art as Sleep

Hypnogram stwst48x4

And the Daemon replied, “I am Memory, and am wise in lore of the past (...)"

Remix sound collage of phase shifts and oscillations modeled after a nightly sleep cycle. During sleep, different frequencies vary in the low spectrum. Consciousness slides from the relaxed waking state down into the deepest subconscious layers (1 Hz), which remain rationally unattainable and hidden. Between light sleep phase (alpha) and deep sleep (non-rem phase 3), REM phases (theta), various non-rem phases (delta) alternate with memorization sequencies (sigma). The subconscious of sleep is alive and mobile.

Pamela Neuwirth | notton.at

Zuletzt geändert am 14.11.18, 08:15 Uhr

Verfasst von Pamela Neuwirth

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