Pride Parade in Graz Lady Boy und Desmonda
Erich Tomandl
To Pride or not to Pride

Ima izać – LGBTIAQ+ people don‘t fall from the sky

The first pride marches in Bosnia-Herzegovina & North Macedonia

Ima izać – I need to come out – is the motto of rst pride march in Bosnia- Herzegovina.
Selma Kešetović aus Sarajevo und Stefan Petrovski aus Skopje im Interview .
What obstacles do they have to face, who shows support and what is most important for them to ght for while organizing the rst pride marches for LGBTIQAA+ people in their countries.
Languages: english, bks Redakteur_innen: Iva, Helga (Radio Grille)
Pride March Sarajevo / Bosnia-Herzegovina
@ bh.povorkaponosa
Pride March Skopje / North Macedonia
@ SkopjePride
Zaim Imamović – U Bosanskom Malom Selu Azis – Sen Trope
Le Zbor & Svi za ljubav – Ljubav za sve TamaraTodevska – Proud

Zuletzt geändert am 24.06.19, 11:38 Uhr

Gesendet am Do 27. Jun 2019 / 12 Uhr

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