Servus D*sign Week

in conversation with the Master’s program Visual Communication

In conversation with Eliana Rodrigues, Ann-Kathrin Häupl, Anika Sophie Haider, Marianne Lechner and Davide Bevilacqua, from the Master's program Visual Communication at Kunstuniversität Linz. About ongoing projects within the course "Exploration in the open: Transforming the process".

At the studio Eliana Fonseca Rodrigues, Ann-Kathrin Häupl, Anika Sophie Haider, Eliana Fonseca Rodrigues, Marianne Lechner and Davide Bevilacqua

Exploration into the Open: Transforming the Process

From a Post-humanist perspective, it’s not only the designer or other humans influencing our creative outcomes. Different tools, materials, contexts, and design processes affect how somebody experiences our things. In a participatory workshop setting, you can open up and reflect on your design practice together with students from the Master’s program Visual Communication. We share our experience and design practices in workflow, archiving information, mind mapping, searching and managing inspiration, different visual translations into the digital space, and speculate about new tools for designers.

Students: Natalia Chaykina, Marcel-Nikodem Dziewulski, Eliana Fonseca Rodrigues, Lina Gamler, Ana Teresa Goncalves Dias Zerbes, Ann-Kathrin Häupl, Anika Sophie Haider, Chieh Lu, Katarina Matić, Sheida Mohammadi, Marie Pfaffl, Rehab Saad Abdelghafar Abdelfatah Hasanen, Eva Werner.

Supervised by Marianne Lechner, Davide Bevilacqua, Barbara v. Rechbach


d*sign week – radio conversations
from November 21. – 25.
17:00 – 18:00

Moderated by Gabriela Gordillo
Sound Design: Florine Mougel
Language: English

d*sign week is a gathering dedicated to experimental and independent design practices, initiated by the local cultural platforms Potato Publishing and in collaboration with Kunstuniversität Linz, Timebased Media & Visual Communication, Radio FRO and Kulturverein zur Schießhalle.

The radio conversations of the d*sign week, propose a dialogue between the program’s contributors and special guests as a way to document, share and discuss critical perspectives. At the same time, it aims to give visibility to independent, activist and experimental projects and practitioners.

Keywords: odd interactions, interfaces, accessibility, open source, commons, feminist infrastructure, speculative design, technological appropriation, sustainability, low tech design, self-publishing, archive, diy, diwo, community, trans-disciplinary, un-disciplinary practices, translation, memory, critical design…

Zuletzt geändert am 11.01.24, 11:40 Uhr

Gesendet am Do 23. Nov 2023 / 17 Uhr

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