”It’s Marcelle’s birthday” show!
Diese Woche gibt's jede Menge Geschenke für Marcelle, die sie aber gerne mit uns teilt. Hartelijk gefeliciteerd!
1. Signature: Jon E. Cash – untitled
2nd track on b-side 12”: Kamikaze (DaBlackops)
2. Jah Wobble – Blueberry Hill / Blueberry Hill (Computer Version)
mini lp: V.I.E.P. Featuring Blueberry Hill (1980, Virgin)
3. Golden Teacher – Shatter (Version)
lp: No Luscious Life (Golden Teacher)
4. Mud – Rocket
lp: Mud Rock (1974, RAK) BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
5. Shamos – Nuws
12” ep: YO2TH (Youth)
6. Goner – YS 2 (edit)
cd: The Wire Tapper
7. Jac Berrocal, David Fenech, Vincent Epplay
7” ep: Why (Blackest Ever Black)
8. Ron Morelli – In Secret BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
lp: A Gathering Together (2015, Hospital Productions)
9. Harmonious Thelonious – Whirling
12” ep: Apakapa (The Trilogy Tapes)
10. Dub Syndicate – Red Sea Dub
lp: Misplaced Masters (On-U Sound) release date: 11th November 2017
11. De-Bons-en-Pierre - The Mud Man Is Coming
12” ep: Crepes (Dark Entries)
12. Buzzocks – Hollow Inside
lp: A Different Kind Of Tension (1979, United Artists) BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
13. no artist – Feldabbrand
lp: Geräusche In Stereo – 3. Folge (Ariola) BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
14. Hexenschuss – Are You Multifocal?
lp: Gobbledegook (Hexenschuss)
15. Golden Teacher – No Luscious Life
lp: No Luscious Life (Golden Teacher)
16. De-Bons-en-Pierre - The Mud Man Is Coming
12” ep: Crepes (Dark Entries)
17. Joy Division – Love Will Tear Us Apart
12” ep (1980, Factory) BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
18. DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess – Too Trumpety
12” ep: Too (Jahmoni)
19. DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess – Too Trumpety (Bigga Bush Remix)
20. Elektro Guzzi – Distel
cassette: Achse Dachse (Palazzo)
21. The Delgados – Everybody Come Down
lp: Universal Audio (2004, Chemikal Undeground) BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
22. Dubmatix – Protection Dub
lp: Humble Dubbers (Melting Records)
23. Sex Pistols – Problems
lp: Never Mind The Bollocks Here’s The Sex Pistols (1977, Virgin) BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
24. The Fall – Birthday Song
1 1/2 lp: The Marshall Suite (1999, Artful Records)
Zuletzt geändert am 15.11.17, 11:05 Uhr
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