

Schüler*innen der HBLW Landwiedstraße On Air!
The 2AHLW promises you: you won’t get bored!

Hello guys

We are the 2AHLW and we prepared a really interesting project: a self-made radio show for Radio FRO! Our topic was “mobility” which means how people around the world are able to get to another point. Therefore we created five groups with different sub-topics. These are:
1. Youth tickets in Austria and other countries
2. How does interrail work?
3. No borders in the EU vs. Green Card in the US
4. Public transportation in Austria and other countries
5. A language class – 5 different languages
Moreover we decided to play some relaxing songs between each topic so that our radio show is going to be really awesome. In our music class we even recorded a jam session.
We want YOU to take some time and listen to our radio show. The 2AHLW promises you: you won’t get bored!

Zuletzt geändert am 10.06.14, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Kerstin Horner

zur Autorenseite

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