Tina Weinberger (publicdomain)
Internationaler Frauentag 2020

Sounds Queer?

In the current radio show we are hosting Zosia Hołubowska, Adele Knall and Violeta Gil from the Sounds Queer?

Collective. What is the idea of queer sound? How to build a synthesizer? Or how to simply create a safer space thought music? We discussed those questions with Zosia Hołubowska, Adele Knall and Violeta Gil from the Sounds Queer? collective.

In the middle of January we visited them in their studio in Vienna. Equipped with gears and posters, the studio offers a space for DJ and synth workshops. Since October 2019, the collective has its own home base, and enthusiasm for enriching the program is thus growing.

Sendungsgestaltung: Jerneja Zavec





Zuletzt geändert am 26.02.20, 13:37 Uhr

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