Gesendet am Do 19. Feb 2015 / 20 Uhr

SXSW 2015 Preview

In March I’ll be covering the week-long SXSW Music Festival held in Austin Texas for the fourth consecutive year. So this show is a preview of this year’s up-coming Festival – you’ll be hearing artists that I’ll be looking out for.

The SXSW Music Festival began in 1987 and has grown to become the largest music festival of its kind, with more than 2,500 “official” performers/bands playing in more than 100 venues. Once a year the rock/pop music Industry comes together at SXSW and makes it the meeting place for thousands of journalists, radio DJs, Producers, Music Labels, and musicians from all over the world. It has become the world’s major music showcase festival/fair and it has produced many copies such as Popkomm, and Eurosonic.

Zuletzt geändert am 17.02.15, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Charles "Chuck" Schneider

zur Autorenseite
Gesendet am Do 19. Feb 2015 / 20 Uhr

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