
Widow Radio Ching II

Die Künstlerinnen Ming und Elaine senden als Artists in Residence eine Radio-Operette in drei Akten live von der Eleonore, dem Headquarter des Projekts "Radio Active - Sink and Swim with Eleonore", das von 1. August bis 11. September von der STWST umgesetzt wird.

von 3. bis 5. August nachts jeweils von 00:00 bis 01:30


The Hydrofemme in Three Acts
a RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM Eleonore summer residency 2016 project 
Radio operetta, variety show and audio symposium with FM broadcast and netstreams on Radio FRO (Linz) and Radio Helsinki (Graz)

3-5 August 2016, 00:00-01:30 nightly


From the South China Sea to the Danube river, minor ripples become the waves by which the hydrofemme contests the neocolonial frontiers of water in defense of an oceanic commons of substance and thought. 
WIDOW RADIO CHING rewrites a fragmented and amorphous ode to the hydrofemme as a sonic essay in (radio) waves, transmitting her as a multi-headed heroine who traces the fissures between bottom-up social organization and top-down politico-economic power. Weaving together textual narrative, sound works, and dialogue with invited guests, WIDOW RADIO CHING will unfold in three acts following a trajectory of queer time — divested of concrete future aims and abandoning overarching, streamlined narratives of the hope and optimism that govern our contemporary political, economic and environmental ecosystems. Beginning from the critical dystopia that is our science fiction present, migration, extraterritoriality and environmental degradation shall take new course expanding upon feminine myths of liquidity, fluid identity and alter-sovereignty in labour.
WIDOW RADIO CHING will feature contributions by: Shu Lea Cheang, Deborah Cowen, Natalie Galpern, Annie Goh, Aurelia Guo, Elaine W. Ho, Reni Hofmüller, Ming Lin, Astrida Neimanus, Kate Rich, Pelin Tan, Kaitlin Rees & Liam Welch, Tortuga, Eva Ursprung, et al.


Zuletzt geändert am 27.07.16, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Sandra Hochholzer

Projektleiterin bei weltumspannend arbeiten im Bereich der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit sowie für internationale Bildungsprojekte.
Ausgebildete Bau- und Umwelttechnikerin und Journalistin.

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