Gerhard Fröhlich, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz/A
Culture and media theorist at the Institute for Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, A. Main research on culture and media theory, culture and media philosophy, philosophy of science, science ethics, science of information and information retrieval, qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation (peer review, impact factors)
Simone Griesmayr, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz/A
Member of staff at Institute for Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, A.
Staff member at the Association for Cultural and Educational Policy
Publications: "Kunst und Wissenschaft - Verbindende Innovationskulturen?" (Art and science - connecting cultures of innovation?);
"Section report", in Trans 15 (read);
"Creative Contexts - Culture as an Agent of Change", in "Learning Solutions", Oxfordshire;
Organisation of the conferences:
"Forschungsethik - Fälschung und Wissenschaft" (Ethics of reseach - forgery and science) - Conference and exhibition "Black Box Science";
"The Unifying of Cultures", INST (Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies), World conference, Vienna;
"Fälschungen und Visualisierungen in den Wissenschaften" (Forgery and visualisations within the sciences), for the Institute for Philosophy and Philosphy of Science
Symposium: "Ehrenamt und Leidenschaft" (Honorary office and passion)
Projects (abridgement): "v-stream 21". (see
Torsten Michaelsen, Gruppe LIGNA, Hamburg/D
The free radio group LIGNA was set up in 1995 by the media theorists and radio artists Ole Frahm,
Michael Hüners and Torsten Michaelsen, all working for "Freies Sender Kombinat (FSK)",
community radio initiative, Hamburg. In various shows and performances they have examined the meaning of
diversion in or of radio broadcasting by refering amongst other things to forgotten or discarded uses of
this medium and developing thereby new practices and procedures (Mental Radio Show). Production of performative
radio plays (Labyrinthe und Interferenzen. Ein nächtlicher Gang durch eine sterbende Stadt– Labyrinths and Interferences. A walk at night through a dying city)
and development of concepts as to how the radio can intervene in public spaces that are under surveillance,
so that the public there reemerges as a situation out of control (Radioballett: Übung in unnötigem Aufenthalt – Radioballet:
An exercise in unnecessary loitering). With these different models they examine both theoretically and practically the
limits of (liberal) media theory, of closed artistic space and of political intervention.
Ingo Leindecker, Radio FRO, Linz/A
Ingo Leindecker has worked for Radio FRO as an active radio artist and content-producer since 1998. He is in
charge of developing cross-media publishing technologies for radio / internet and he has launched and
expanded the Cultural Broadcasting Archive, a digital audio-exchange data bank of all the Austrian free
radio stations.
Yves Richter
Matthew Smith, Firstfloor, Vancouver BC/CA
Born 1974 in Innsbruck,Austria, lives in Vienna and Vancouver. Trained as a Media Designer by Rens Veltman. 2 years at Veltman&Veltman involving work in various media. 1995 - 1997 Media Designer, Ars Electronica Center, Linz. Founding Member of FirstFlooR Electronix. Concept & Production of the Public Net Access at Tacheles, Berlin. Since 1997 on line project: Vehicles of Progress and Prosperity. With Sandra Wintner. (Artist Run Limousine Collective)
Since 1998 FIRST FLOOR EASTSIDE, On line-installations, Matt Smith aka PC Omez has been producing a weekly radio show on CITR 101.9FM in Vancouver for the last 4 years, and participates in various audio art projects as a producer and technician.
Wolfgang Temmel, sinnlos/Blind TV, Graz/A
Wolfgang Temmel, born in 1953, stays in New York and London, now living in Wies in Styria. Work in various media and art forms. In and through various projects temporally or spatially not simultaneous “works of art” emerge from shared authorship or joint processes of authorship. These works are not mainly intended to be objects of art, but ought to reflect the creative process itself. In the production of these works Temmel creates momentary systems based on prevailing contexts and mechanisms, which he takes up, goes over and transforms into a part of his work: “space” of art which cannot be depicted and which can only partially be grasped in finished “products” (video, book, radiowork, CD, brooch) as this is about forms of dialogue, the interplay of intentions and accidents, events that these projects provide a stage for without entirely defining them.
Agnese Trocchi, Candida TV, Rome/IT
Agnese Trocchi, born in 1971, Rome/Italy. Artist, writer and videomaker, active from 1995 in the field of ICT, developing practical experiences with television, internet communities and satellite broadcasting. Since 1997 organisation of Independent Film Festival in Rome (Overground Fiction Festival). Collaboration with Francesca da Rimini (AUS) and Diane Ludin From (USA) on the project „Identity_Runners“. ( . In 1999 co-founder of Candida TV. Invitation to various media conferences and events: Sydney, TILT festival 2001, Amsterdam Next 5 Minutes Festival 2003, Florence Firenze World Vision Festival 2003, etc. In 2003-2004 organisation of an international event on the issues of communication and information networks (Sample Image Workshop, Rome 2003; Wsis? We Seize event, Geneva 2003). 2002 Prize of the Critic at VideoMinutoPop (Italian competition for innovative videomaking) with the video „Discover your Future“
Georg Wimmer, Radiofabrik, Salzburg/A
Georg Wimmer, born in 1961, was one of the founders of Free Radio Salzburg, since 2002 he has been editor in chief and coordinator of programs at Radiofabrik, Salzburg. Before that, he worked as a free-lance journalist for various Austrian newspapers and magazines and studied journalism, educational theory and Romance languages and literature at the university. Numerous awards and nominations, (among others he won the Cultural Award for Integration and Human Rights sponsored by the Green Party Salzburg in 2003 and was nominated for the European Radio Award, the Prix Europe, in 2002)