Sunday, 04. September 2005, 10.30 - 15.00
Ars Electronica Center, Sky Media Loft
In May 2005 the European Commission in its Communication on the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting demanded to accelerate the phasing out of analogue TV and Radio (AM/FM) at least until 2012, preferably until 2010. The switchover to digital should stimulate innovation and growth of the consumer equipment market, and contribute to the renewed Lisbon agenda. As planned the former analogue frequencies shall by then be used for "content casting" - however, concerning digital radio there is still no state-of-the-art technology in Europe. Although the already declared dead DAB-Standard (Digital Audio Broadcasting) is currently experiencing its resurrection there are several questions still not answered: there is a massive in-door reception problem with DAB, the limitation to not more than 10 Programms etc. The digitalisation of radio implies special challenges to small-scale local community broadcasters such as expensive technologies or large-scale coverage. At the same time, digitalisation will make possible new services like radio on demand, which are especially interesting for special interest programs provided by free media. The discussion will focus on scenarios and alternatives of digitalisation for community media.
Pieter de Wit, OLON (Organisation for local Broadcasters in the Netherlands) (NL)
Peter Reindl, RTR (Austrian Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Broadcasting) (A)
Christoph Lindenmaier (CH)
Christa Sommerer, University of Art Linz (A)
Leo Saftic, matrix e.V. (A)
Host: Veronika Leiner, Radio FRO (A)

13.00 - 15.00
(No) Free Access to Information in so-called "Information Society"?
Panel B transcription (pdf) |
podCasting and video on demand are the next steps leading to the fulfilment of the predicted "Information Society". These formats are pushing the personalisation of media appearance and offer new chances especially for Free Media. But due to the new EU Copyright concept the question arises if these promising new technologies will not mainly have their application in commercial environments. This politico-cultural discussion of knowledge transfer via the world wide web will deal with the following questions: How can public, cultural and intellectual interest be protected in the light of new developments in Copyright? Which alternatives can be presented to the prevailing idea of Digital Rights Management, which has recently been questioned by the EU Parliament, while emphasizing the importance of collecting societies (Echerer Report).
Maria Berger, MEP SP (A)
Paula le Dieu, Creative Commons International (GB)
Ursula Sedlaczek, AustroMechana (A)
Volker Grassmuck, Humboldt University Berlin (D)
Eberhard R. Hilf, Aktionsbündnis Urheberrecht für Bildung und Wissenschaft (D)
Host: Alexander Baratsits, Radio FRO (A)